Friday, May 19, 2006


Can you spell adventure? You can't unless you taken 4 kids, 7 and under, on a road trip. We're into day 3 of 8 and I can still see in color. Actually, it hasn't been that bad. We spent 2 days in Chicago and took the kids to the children's museum and I took the boys to the top of the Sears tower. They all had a blast but hit their walls by about 7:00 pm. When 4 little ones hit their walls, you desire their beds to be not far away. The only real negative so far is that 4 of us have been sick with some sort of nasty cough. Yesterday, on our drive to Dayton, OH, we gave our 6 year old, Johnny, some cough syrup. 1 hr later, he was throwing it up. Praise the Lord, my wife caught it all in a BIG SLURPY cup. (Sorry for the graphic nature) There have been some really good moments as well. The other night I was tucking my 3 yr old daughter, Anna, into bed and was telling her how good of a girl she had been so far. I kissed her on the cheek and she told me that she wasn't going to wipe it off. How cool is that?

I'm sure I'll have more posts about this vacation as we go. I had to capture some of these precious memories while I had the moment to do so.


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