Saturday, June 18, 2005

It Runs in the Family

Well, I think my super-gland just popped.
I saw the new Batman movie and I was very pleased. previously, when I saw images on the internet of Christian Bale in the new Bat-suit, I almost wanted to laugh. Probably because Joel Shumacher had just drained every ounce of seriousness out of one of my favorite characters called "The Dark Knight". However, I believe that this movie is the best Batman movie made ...yes, even better than Jack Nicholsan's though he did play a great Joker. I had seen the movie Reign of Fire and thought immediately that Chrisian Bale would make a good Batman. He just had that dark brooding essence about him. The only thing that threw me off was his mouth. The dude has a weird mouth. It shows itself especially when he is yelling something while he has his cowl on. I'm like, "Man, look at that mouth!" And he does play the Knight much like an animal vs. a cool guy which Keaton did which I think was a good choice. It was strange and refeshing as well to see Gary Oldman play a good guy that actually has a heart. I enjoyed his subtle performance. Now I have to wait probably 3 years to see the sequel which the ending hints at having the Joker be the villian.
Excuse me while I go and wipe some super-ooze off my 33 year old arm.


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