Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Something Sweeter than Revenge

The other day my kids were enjoying themselves on the playground at the camp I work at. There were 2 boys, about the age of 11 or so, sitting on the only 2 tire swings. The 2 boys were actual campers so we like to say that they get first dibs at any equipment or play-thing before a "staff-kid" would be able to use it. My son, Johnny, (5 yrs old) was waiting and watching paitiently to use one of the coveted rubber circles of joy. The 2 older boys, noticing Johnny waiting, would get off and walk a little bit away from them. As Johnny would see them gone, he would then move towards one of them. However, as soon as Johnny would get close, the 2 boys would run back and take them over again causing my son to give out a beautifully pathetic, "Awwwwwww." Immediately, I was washed over with feelings from my chidhood when such a thing happened to me. I swallowed my "bear protecting his son" rage and moseyed on over to address the situation.

"You know what, guys? Feel free to use the tire swings as long as you like. But please, don't tease the little ones here."

No response. However I did not know Johnny was listening.

I had to leave the playground for a moment but as I was coming back, I saw the same villainous activity ensuing against my little boy. Ready this time to do some drop-kicking, I waited till they moved away from the tires again and I myself went up to grab a swing for my boy.

"Here, Johnny. You can use this swing."

Johnny looks over at the boys.

"Are you guys done using it?"


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