Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Summer Updates

Thanks to all of you who check this on a regular basis for your patience. Blogs are like exercise. The spirit is willing but the flesh is usually weak. Since both are willing today, here goes with the updates.

1. This summer has been full but good. Johnny joined the world of T-Ball this summer and had a great time. I'm not sure if the "great" part was actually playing the game or eating stuff from the concession stand and playing with grasshoppers. Hopefully we will be able to work on his skills more before next year. The undefeated season probably has something to do with the fact that Rib Lake seems to breed base-ball players. There were some very gifted 7 year olds out on that field.

2. Youth Camps ended about a week ago and I have to say that God did some amazing things this summer. I had the privilege of being the speaker for the Jr. High week and I had a blast! The thrill of having Jr. Highers come up to you at the end of a week of camp and say "Thank You..I know God now because of you" doesn't compare to anything else. During the last 2 weeks of Camp, there was an opportunity given for campers to not only seek forgiveness from others but to forgive others from the past that have hurt them. The Holy Spirit definitely moved throughout the Camp bringing a spirit of tenderness that was just amazing. During Superhigh week, alone, there were 35 decisions for Jesus whether for salvation or dedication of their lives to Him.

3. Our Family Camp theme this summer is WANTED: DEAD AND ALIVE. The theme is based on the book of James. The kids classes are built around the GOOD-NUF GANG where their leader is Brother James. Here is a pic of one of the wanted posters.

The members of the gang all have characteristics of spiritual flaws from the Book of James: Tommy Tenderfoot, Skuzzy Scully, Two-faced Tex, Hasty Hal, Lazy Leonard and Boasting Bart.

The challenge of James is for a believer to look at their life and to see if their works match the faith they say they have.

4. On the family front, we have a 7th member to our clan. Betty the Black Lab joined us in February. She has been a great addition except for the fact that she brings half decomposed deer heads home and drops them on our back porch.

5. The big change for Tarah's family happened in June. Her parents moved to Seoul, Korea in June where her dad will be the interim pastor for an english speaking church and her mom will teach in the Christian school where her brother is a chaplain at. Also, her sister moved to London for work which leaves Tarah as the only one left here in the states.

6. God has been teaching me, again, how important it is to be in His Word every day. I've have made a mid-year resolution that I am going to try to read through the Bible in 1 1/2 years. Also, I am looking into getting some more Biblical training to help sharpen my skills as a speaker and communicator. I may possibly be starting this in the Spring of 08.

7. For those of you that have been wondering, I am planning on recording another CD, hopefully this Fall. Please pray for the preparation of that along with finances that are needed.

8. We had the joy of having Tarah's brother, John, here with his family for a few days. Here is a picture of the cousins along with our kids. (Our kids are on the right, Anna, Leah, Johnny and David. The other 2 on the right are Charis and Alathea.)

9. Summers are always a great time of reunions. Family, Campers, and old friends. Kroek, if you're out there, it was great seeing you and your family. Can't wait for another cup of Hoffee at Camp 28.